

Edited Books

Book Chapters & Journal Articles

  1. Miguel Carvalhais, “Do Analógico ao Metafórico.” Arte, Digital, Academia, Museu Zer0 eds. Miguel Carvalhais and Luísa Ribas, 151-167. Santa Catarina da Fonte do Bispo & Porto: Museu Zer0 & i2ADS. 2024.
  2. Miguel Carvalhais, “Arte, Digital, Academia: A Ágora Interuniversitária Museu Zer0.” Arte, Digital, Academia, Museu Zer0 eds. Miguel Carvalhais and Luísa Ribas, 11-17. Santa Catarina da Fonte do Bispo & Porto: Museu Zer0 & i2ADS. 2024.
  3. Miguel Carvalhais, “…, magia, ritual, techné, subjetividadeInteract, Revista Online de Arte, Cultura e Tecnologia (39-40). 2024.
  4. Miguel Carvalhais, “Labels, Music, Technology and Dematerialisation.” Break in Case of Emergency: A Survival Kit for Independent Musicians and Labels in the Emergent Digital Environment, edited by Hugo Branco, 29-31. Aveiro: Vic Nic. 2023.
  5. Miguel Carvalhais, Pedro Cardoso, “Computational Media and the Paradox of PermanenceJournal of Digital Media and Interaction 6 (15). 2023.
  6. Miguel Carvalhais, Diniz Cayolla Ribeiro, “Aesthetics after the Ontological Turn: An Ecological Approach to Artificial CreativityCritical Humanities 2 (1). 2023.
  7. Miguel Carvalhais. “Computational Art, Dematerialisation and Embodiment.” Live Interfaces (1). 2023.
  8. Ana Catarina Monteiro, Miguel Carvalhais. “An Enactive Approach to the Construction of Meaning in Interactive Digital Narratives.” Revista de Comunicação e Linguagens (58): 61-78. 2023.
  9. Miguel Carvalhais, Pedro Amado. “Art <—> Technology.” Field Theory: Artistic Research in Light, Air, and Matter, edited by Miguel Carvalhais & Pedro Amado, 137-141. Porto: i2ADS, 2023.
  10. Ana Catarina Monteiro, Miguel Carvalhais. “How we Construct Meaning in Interactive Digital Narratives: a structurally coupled relation.” Journal of Digital Media and Interaction 6 (14): 21-32. 2023.
  11. Luís Arandas, Miguel Carvalhais, Mick Grierson. “Computing Short Films using Language-guided Diffusion and Vocoding through Virtual Timelines of Summaries.” INSAM Journal of Contemporary Music, Art and Technology (10): 71-89. 2023.
  12. Miguel Carvalhais. “Designing (with) Computational Objects: From Metamedia to Metaenvironments.Joelho, Journal of Architectural Culture (14): 129-140. 2023.
  13. Miguel Carvalhais, Luísa Ribas, Rodrigo Hernández-Ramírez. “Coda: Different Heterodoxies.” Post-Normal Design: Emergent Approaches Towards Plural Worlds, edited by Alastair Fuad-Luke, 171-72. Matosinhos: esad—idea, 2022.
  14. Miguel Carvalhais, Luís Pinto Nunes. “Espaço/ProgramaEspaço/Programa, Vila Nova de Cerveira: FBAC, 2022.
  15. Miguel Carvalhais, Rosemary Lee. “Spectral and Procedural Creativity: A Perspective from Computational Art Transformations. (36), 71-81, 2022.
  16. Ana Catarina Monteiro, Miguel Carvalhais. “The Construction of Meaning and the Object-Oriented Relationship in Interactive Digital NarrativesAs Gerações dos Ecrãs: Práticas e Experiências Relacionadas com o Online edited by Patrícia Silveira, Rodrigo Morais and Joana Dias, 193-224. Lisbon: IADE Press, 2021.
  17. Miguel Carvalhais. “Breaking the Black Box: Procedural reading, creation of meaning and closure in computational artworks.Artificial Intelligence and the Arts: Computational Creativity, Artistic Behavior, and Tools for Creatives. Eds. Penousal Machado, Juan Romero and Gary Greenfield. Berlin: Springer, 2021. 347-362.
  18. Miguel Carvalhais, Pedro Cardoso. “O Leitor Universal: Ler e Exprimir as Artes Computacionais.Poesia Programa Performance: Projetos, Processos e Práticas em Meios Digitais, edited by Bruno Ministro and Sandra Guerreiro. Porto: Publicações Fundação Fernando Pessoa, 2021. 135-151.
  19. José Alberto Gomes, Miguel Carvalhais, Henrique Portovedo. 2021. “Audible (Art): The invisible connections.” Journal of Science and Technology of the Arts 13 (1).
  20. Camila Mangueira, Fabrício Fava, Miguel Carvalhais. “Digital Image as a Semiotic Agent.Journal of Science and Technology of the Arts 12.1 (2020): 11-17.
  21. José Raimundo, Pedro Cardoso, Miguel Carvalhais, António Coelho. “Aspects for Cultivating Creative Literacy Through Play: An Analysis on Primary Literature Review and Preliminary Laboratorial Work.Revista Lusófona de Educação 46 (2020): 99-116.
  22. Miguel Carvalhais, Pedro Cardoso, José Raimundo, Ricardo Melo. “Designing Games that Prioritize Meaning Over Fun.” Contemporânea, revista do PPGART/UFSM 2.4 (2019).
  23. Fabrício Fava, Camila Mangueira Soares, Miguel Carvalhais. “Playful Design, Empathy and the Nonhuman Turn.Technoetic Arts: A Journal of Speculative Research 17, no. 1+2 (2019): 141-54.
  24. Miguel Carvalhais, Pedro Cardoso. “Narrative Games in Ergodic Media.Communication Studies 2.27 (2018): 55-65.
  25. Juliana Monteiro, Miguel Carvalhais, Carla Morais. “Educação para a Leitura na Era da Informação: Novas poéticas e estruturas narrativas para o envolvimento do público jovem em atividades de leitura.Communication Studies 2.27 (2018): 33-54.
  26. Miguel Carvalhais, Pedro Tudela. “Vento.” Vento / Assalto ao Castelo. Ed. Mendes Pereira, Helena. Vila Nova de Cerveira: Fundação Bienal de Arte de Cerveira, 2018. 5-8.
  27. Ricardo Melo, André Lamelas, Miguel Carvalhais. “Unpredictability in Everyday Photography: A Case Study.Ubiquity: The Journal of Pervasive Media 5 (2016): 243-52.
  28. Ricardo Melo, Miguel Carvalhais. “Regarding Value in Digital Serendipitous Interactions.Journal of Science and Technology of the Arts 8.2 (2016): 37-44.
  29. Miguel Carvalhais, Pedro Cardoso. “What Then Happens When Interaction is Not Possible: The Virtuosic Interpretation of Ergodic Artefacts.” Journal of Science and Technology of the Arts 7.1 (2015): 55-62.
  30. Miguel Carvalhais. “Entre o ofício e a persona.Formato Instável. Eds. João Drumond and Horácio Frutuoso. Porto: Drumond Frutuoso, 2015. 29-31.
  31. Miguel Carvalhais. “As Regras do Jogo.Diário de Bordo. Porto: Expedição, 2014. 101-106.
  32. Miguel Carvalhais. “Deep Listening to Software.” Mono #2: Cochlear Poetics: Writings on Music and Sound Arts. Eds. Miguel Carvalhais and Pedro Tudela. Porto: i2ADS, 2014. 103-118.
  33. Pedro Cardoso, Miguel Carvalhais. “Breaking the Game: The Traversal of the Emergent Narrative in Video Games.” Journal of Science and Technology of the Arts 5.1 (2013): 25-31.
  34. Miguel Carvalhais. “A Draft: For a Theory of Simulation as Agency in Artificial Aesthetic Artifacts.” OuUnPo(RTO). Eds. Claudia Squitieri and Samon Takahashi. London: Dent-de-Leone, 2013. 46-55.
  35. Miguel Carvalhais. “Cinco (inter)dependências.” Pangrama. Gume & Happy Jungle, Porto, 2011.
  36. Miguel Carvalhais. “Little Machines.” The Reader 3: Processual Publishing. Actual Gestures. Eds. Ludovico, Alessandro and Nat Muller: OpenMute, 2008. 98-101.
  37. Miguel Carvalhais. “Áudio-Visão, Interacção / Cognição.” Rectina, 2006.
  38. Miguel Carvalhais. “O Século dos Computadores Merece uma Música Própria.” Vector, 2005.
  39. Miguel Carvalhais. “Code Acts.” Abstraction Now. Eds. Pfaffenbichler, Norbert & Sandro Droschl. Vienna: Edition Camera Austria, 2004. 86-89.

Conference Papers

  1. Mécia Sá, Francisco Providência, Miguel Carvalhais. “Visualização de informação: A influência da linguagem técnica na construção de conhecimento.” UD24, Aveiro, 2024.
  2. Pedro Sá Couto, Miguel Carvalhais, Pedro Cardoso. “Peer-Produced Archives, Peer-Designed Solutions.” Digicom, Barcelos, 2023.
  3. Joana Cerejo, Miguel Carvalhais. “Anticipation as a Tool for Designing the Future.” Digicom, Barcelos, 2023.
  4. Luís Arandas, Mick Grierson, Miguel Carvalhais. “Antagonising explanation and revealing bias directly through sequencing and multimodal inference.” 1st International Workshop on Explainable AI for the Arts, ACM Creativity and Cognition, Gather, 2023.
  5. Ana Catarina Monteiro, Miguel Carvalhais. “Narratives that Play Readers: How Action Helps to Build an Aesthetics of Behavior.” Electronic Literature Organization Conference, Coimbra, 2023.
  6. Luís Arandas, Kate McDonough, Mick Grierson, Miguel Carvalhais. “man lost in the convergence of time, Avebury (2022): Reconfiguring film through human figure removal and collage.” Intermediartes, Vila do Conde, 2023.
  7. Pedro Costa, Luísa Ribas, Miguel Carvalhais. “I’m a Virtual Assistant so I Don’t Have Pronouns the Way People Do, Thanks for Asking: Gender Neutrality, Diversification and Fluidity in AI.” ISEA, Paris, 2023.
  8. Abel Neto, Pedro Cardoso, Miguel Carvalhais. “Asymmetric Gameplay: Types and Perspectives.” Digicom, Barcelos, 2022.
  9. Ana Duarte, Miguel Carvalhais, Pedro Amado. “The Role of Data Visualization in Science Communication.” Digicom, Barcelos, 2022.
  10. Pedro Costa, Luísa Ribas, Miguel Carvalhais. “We’re the brains, you’re talking about bodies: discussing gender stereotypes in digital assistants.xCoAx 2022: Proceedings of the Tenth Conference on Computation, Communication, Aesthetics, and X, Coimbra: i2ADS, 2022.
  11. Marco Heleno, Miguel Carvalhais, Nuno Correia. “Information Visualization for Explaining Artificial Intelligence: Exploring the PerceptronMultimodus, Portalegre, 2022.
  12. João Ribeiro, Miguel Carvalhais, Pedro Cardoso. “Testing the Fragmentation of Videogames into Different Aesthetic UnitsMultimodus, Portalegre, 2022.
  13. Camila Mangueira, Fabrício Fava, Miguel Carvalhais. “Ignitions on Educational Experiences During the Pandemic.Online Education: Teaching in a Time of Change. AMPS Proceedings Series 23.2, ed. Zain Adil, 50-59, 2021.
  14. Fabrício Fava, Camila Mangueira, and Miguel Carvalhais. “Aproximações entre a Educação Artística e o Design Thinking no Contexto Pandêmico.Encontro Internacional sobre Educação Artística, Mindelo, Cabo Verde, 2021.
  15. Camila Mangueira, Fabrício Fava, and Miguel Carvalhais. “Found Shells and Reimagining the Locative Experience: Reflections on Geomedia Art Project.Digital Research in the Humanities and Arts Conference. Berlin, 2021.
  16. Ana Catarina Monteiro, Miguel Carvalhais. “Agency Matters: How Readers Construct Meaning From Audiovisual Behaving Systems.” Audiovisual e Indústrias Criativas: Presente e Futuro, Congresso Internacional de Investigadores de Audiovisual, Lisboa, 2021.
  17. João Ribeiro, Miguel Carvalhais, and Pedro Cardoso. “A Taxonomy of the Simulation of the Depth of Field Effect in Videogames.” xCoAx 2021: Proceedings of the Ninth Conference on Computation, Communication, Aesthetics, and X, 2021.
  18. Abel Neto, Pedro Cardoso, Miguel Carvalhais. “Asynchronous Interactions between Players and Game World.Digicom 2020, edited by Nuno Martins and Daniel Brandão. Barcelos, 2021.
  19. Luís Arandas, Miguel Carvalhais, Mick Grierson, Gilberto Bernardes, Rui Penha. “Facing a Middle-Ground of Symbolic Importance in Artificial Co-Creative Systems.International Conference on Computational Creativity, Coimbra, 2020.
  20. Marco Heleno, Miguel Carvalhais, Nuno Correia “Perceptron Explanator.Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Transdisciplinary Studies in Arts, Technology and Society, ARTeFACTo 2020. Faro: Centro de Investigação e Comunicação, 2020. 198-202.
  21. João Ribeiro, Miguel Carvalhais, Pedro Cardoso. “Sound in the Mise-en-jeu: Conveying Meaning through Videogames’ Mediated Space.” Avanca Cinema. Avanca, 2020.
  22. José Raimundo, Pedro Cardoso, Miguel Carvalhais, António Coelho. “Encalhado: Especular, Simular e Criar num Jogo Abstrato.5º Encontro Sobre Jogos e Mobile Learning, Coimbra: Faculdade de Psicologia e Ciências da Educação, 2020.
  23. Marco Heleno, Miguel Carvalhais, Nuno Correia. “Transparentperceptron: Visualizing the Perceptron’s Decision Iterations.” xCoAx 2020, Proceedings of the Eighth Conference on Computation, Communication, Aesthetics & X, 347-49. Graz, 2020.
  24. João Ribeiro, Miguel Carvalhais, Pedro Cardoso. “Connection of Dynamic Temporal Continuities in Videogames.” EIMAD 2020, 7th Meeting of Research in Music, Art and Design, edited by Daniel Raposo, João Neves, José Silva, Luísa Correia Castilho and Rui Dias, 195-212. Castelo Branco, 2020.
  25. Miguel Carvalhais, Rosemary Lee. “Soundwalking and Algorithmic Listening.Proceedings of RE:SOUND 2019 – 8th International Conference on Media Art, Science, and Technology. Aalborg, Denmark: Electronic Workshops in Computing (eWiC), 2019. 51-56.
  26. Andrew O’Dowd, Miguel Carvalhais. “Artificial Intelligence and Interface Design for Everyday Products.” DIGICOM International Conference on Digital Design & Communication. Barcelos: IPCA, 2019.
  27. Joana Cerejo, Miguel Carvalhais. “Design After the Rise of AI-Driven Services.” DIGICOM International Conference on Digital Design & Communication. Barcelos: IPCA, 2019.
  28. José Raimundo, Pedro Cardoso, António Coelho, Miguel Carvalhais. “Bully Who? Theatrical play and vicarious experiences of doing and acting with emotions.” DIGICOM International Conference on Digital Design & Communication. Barcelos: IPCA, 2019.
  29. Pedro Cardoso, Ricardo Melo, Miguel Carvalhais. “Breaking the Hedonistic Loop: Meaning Before Fun in Videogames”. ARTECH 2019: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Digital and Interactive Arts. Braga, 2019.
  30. Marco Heleno, Nuno Correia, Miguel Carvalhais. “Explaining Machine Learning: Adding Interactivity to Develop Decision-making Visualization Expectations”. ARTECH 2019: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Digital and Interactive Arts. Braga, 2019.
  31. Fabrício Fava, Camila Mangueira Soares, Miguel Carvalhais. “Interspecies Playful Interaction: Towards the Expansion of Interaction Design.” xCoAx 2019, Milan. 229-239.
  32. Pedro Cardoso, Miguel Carvalhais, Ricardo Melo. “Breaking the Hedonistic Loop: Meaning Before Fun in Videogames.” Abstract in Consciousness Reframed 2019. Porto, 2019.
  33. Fabrício Fava, Camila Mangueira, Miguel Carvalhais. “Playful Design, Empathy and the Nonhuman Turn.” Abstract in Consciousness Reframed 2019. Porto, 2019.
  34. Marco Heleno, Miguel Carvalhais, Nuno Correia. “Explaining Machine Learning: The Telephone Game as an Analogy to Reveal Decision-Making.” Abstract in Consciousness Reframed 2019. Porto, 2019.
  35. Camila Mangueira, Fabrício Fava, Miguel Carvalhais. “Digital Image as a Semiotic Agent.” Abstract in Consciousness Reframed 2019. Porto, 2019.
  36. Ricardo Melo, Miguel Carvalhais. “The Interactor Cedes Control: An Heuristic for Planned Serendipity in Interactive Systems.ICLI 2018. Eds. Gomes, José Alberto, Miguel Carvalhais and Rui Penha. Porto, 2018. 110-116.
  37. Ricardo Melo, Miguel Carvalhais. “Affording Serendipity: Human Activities for Valuable Unpredictability in the Digital Medium.International Conference on Marketing and Design, Faro, 2018.
  38. Miguel Carvalhais, Pedro Cardoso. “Empathy in the Ergodic Experience of Computational Aesthetics.ISEA 2018 Intersections, edited by Rufus Adebayo, Ismail Farouk, Steve Jones and Maleshoane Rapeane-Mathonsi, 220-26. Durban: Faculty of Arts and Design, Durban University of Technology, 2018.
  39. Rui Penha, Miguel Carvalhais. “Will Machinic Art Lay Beyond Our Ability to Understand It?ISEA 2018 Intersections, edited by Rufus Adebayo, Ismail Farouk, Steve Jones and Maleshoane Rapeane-Mathonsi, 22-30. Durban: Faculty of Arts and Design, Durban University of Technology, 2018.
  40. Ricardo Melo, Miguel Carvalhais. “The Serendipitous Pattern in Interaction Design.ISEA 2018 Intersections, edited by Rufus Adebayo, Ismail Farouk, Steve Jones and Maleshoane Rapeane-Mathonsi, 253-61. Durban: Faculty of Arts and Design, Durban University of Technology, 2018.
  41. Tiago Santos, Miguel Carvalhais, Soraia Ferreira. “Residências Artísticas: O caso de estudo da Binaural / Nodar.” Avanca Cinema. Avanca, 2018.
  42. Mécia Sá, Francisco Providência, Miguel Carvalhais. “Design de Informação: Uma reflexão sobre a linguagem e a tecnologia.” UD18, Meeting on PhD Design Research in Design. Aveiro: University of Aveiro, 2018.
  43. José Raimundo, Pedro Cardoso, Miguel Carvalhais. “Jogos para Literacia Criativa: Uma Framework Orientada para a Ação de Jogar em Colaboração com Vista ao Desenvolvimento de Literacia Criativa para Aprendizagem.” UD18, Meeting on PhD Design Research in Design. Aveiro: University of Aveiro, 2018.
  44. Ricardo Melo, Miguel Carvalhais. “The Chance of Serendipity.Symposium on Cybernetic Serendipity Reimagined, 2018 AISB Convention. Liverpool: University of Liverpool, 2018. 21-24.
  45. Juliana Monteiro, Carla Morais, Miguel Carvalhais. “NOOA: Maintaining Cultural Identity Through Intergenerational Storytelling and Digital Affinity Spaces.10th International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling. Eds. Nunes, Nuno, Ian Oakley and Valentina Nisi. Funchal: Springer, 2017. 376-379.
  46. Juliana Monteiro, Carla Morais, Miguel Carvalhais. “Interactive Storytelling for the Maintenance of Cultural Identity: The Potential of Affinity Spaces for the Exchange and Continuity of Intergenerational Cultural Knowledge.10th International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling. Eds. Nunes, Nuno, Ian Oakley and Valentina Nisi. Funchal: Springer, 2017. 299-302.
  47. Miguel Carvalhais, Pedro Cardoso. “On Procedural Dissemination and Artificial Aesthetics (notes Towards a Philosophy of Computational Media).DIGICOM International Conference on Digital Design & Communication. Ed. Martins, Nuno. Barcelos: IPCA – Instituto Politécnico do Cávado e do Ave, 2017. 25-34.
  48. Pedro Cardoso, Miguel Carvalhais. “Traversal by repetition: Reprising in video games.16th International Meeting of Art and Technology: #16.ART: Artis intelligentia: Imagining the Real. Porto: i2ADS, 2017. 184-190.
  49. Horácio Tomé-Marques, Miguel Carvalhais. “I Will Play the Electric Brain: The Manipulation of the Brain’s Electric Capacity, and Clusters, Through Sensing and Imagination, to Synthesize Sound Entities.16th International Meeting of Art and Technology: #16.ART: Artis intelligentia: Imagining the Real. Porto: i2ADS, 2017. 100-113.
  50. Ivo Teixeira, Pedro Tudela, Miguel Carvalhais. “A relação do corpo com os ecrãs em ambientes físicos.16th International Meeting of Art and Technology: #16.ART: Artis intelligentia: Imagining the Real. Porto: i2ADS, 2017. 114-121.
  51. Miguel Carvalhais. “On Emptiness (or, On Finishing with a Blank Canvas).xCoAx 2017: Proceedings of the Fifth Conference on Computation, Communication, Aesthetics & X. Eds. Ribas, Luísa, et al. Lisbon, 2017.
  52. Ricardo Melo, and Miguel Carvalhais. “Patterns for Serendipity in Interaction Design.xCoAx 2017: Proceedings of the Fifth Conference on Computation, Communication, Aesthetics & X. Eds. Ribas, Luísa, et al. Lisbon, 2017.
  53. Eustáquio, Luís, and Miguel Carvalhais. “Interaction under Interference.xCoAx 2017: Proceedings of the Fifth Conference on Computation, Communication, Aesthetics & X. Eds. Ribas, Luísa, et al. Lisbon, 2017.
  54. Miguel Carvalhais, and Pedro Cardoso. “Creation of Meaning in Processor-based Artefacts.ISEA 2017 Bio-Creation and Peace. Eds. Arango, Julián Jaramillo, Andrés Burbano and Felipe César Londoño. Manizales: Department of Visual Design, Universidad de Caldas, 2017. 408-414.
  55. Ricardo Melo, Miguel Carvalhais. “Valuably Unsought: Systems for Digital Serendipity.ISEA 2017 Bio-Creation and Peace. Eds. Arango, Julián Jaramillo, Andrés Burbano and Felipe César Londoño. Manizales: Department of Visual Design, Universidad de Caldas, 2017. 515-522.
  56. Ivo Teixeira, Pedro Tudela, Miguel Carvalhais. “Do Cinema Expandido ao Espaço Aumentado na Produção Artística: Um Caso de Estudo no Espaço Urbano.Arte Pública na Era da Criatividade Digital. Universidade Católica do Porto, 2017.
  57. Miguel Carvalhais, Pedro Cardoso. “Searching Meaning Through Procedurality in Computational Artefacts.Designa. Covilhã, 2016.
  58. Ricardo Melo, Marta Santos, Pedro Cardoso, Miguel Carvalhais. “Serendipitous Information and the Design Process: A Case Study.Designa. Covilhã, 2016.
  59. Mécia Sá, Miguel Carvalhais, Francisco Providência. “Reflexão sobre a criação de conhecimento em Design de Informação.Designa. Covilhã, 2016.
  60. Pedro Cardoso, Miguel Carvalhais. “Playing in 7D: An Action-Oriented Framework for Video Games (a summary).xCoAx 2016. Eds. Verdicchio, Mario, et al. Bergamo, 2016. 138-159.
  61. Ricardo Melo, Miguel Carvalhais. “Defamiliarisation Towards Divergency.xCoAx 2016. Eds. Verdicchio, Mario, et al. Bergamo, 2016. 43-51.
  62. Ivo Teixeira, Pedro Tudela, Miguel Carvalhais. “Augmented Space in Artistic Production: The Relationship Between Moving Image and Physical Environments.International Conference on Live Interfaces. Eds. Magnusson, Thor, Chris Kiefer and Sam Duffy. Brighton, 2016. 210-218.
  63. Ivo Teixeira, Miguel Carvalhais, Pedro Tudela. “A relação entre a imagem em movimento e o espaço físico.Avanca | Cinema. Avanca, 2016.
  64. Derya Irkdas Dogu, Raul Pinto, A. Can Ozcan, Joaquim Vieira, Paul Atkinson, Miguel Carvalhais. “Designing Research Tools: Empirical knowledge as a base for future beekeeping.” UD16: 5th PhD in Design Research Forum. Aveiro, 2016.
  65. Ricardo Melo, Miguel Carvalhais. “Convergence and Divergence: A Conceptual Model for Digital Serendipitous Systems.ISEA 2016. Hong Kong, 2016. 323-326.
  66. Ricardo Melo, Miguel Carvalhais. “Get Lost! and Filtershuffle: Designing mobile applications for unpredictability. UD15: Periphery and Promise, 4th PhD in Design Forum. Eds. Canli, Ece and Rita Maldonado Branco. Porto: PhD in Design Program, Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Porto, Portugal, 2015. 338-343.
  67. Miguel Carvalhais, Pedro Cardoso. “Beyond Vicarious Interactions: From Theory of Mind to Theories of Systems in Ergodic Artefacts.” xCoAx 2015. Glasgow, 2015. 139-150.
  68. Raul Pinto, Paul Atkinson, Joaquim Vieira, Miguel Carvalhais. “Designing with Biological Generative Systems: Choice by Emotion.” xCoAx 2015. Glasgow, 2015. 289-295.
  69. Ricardo Melo, Miguel Carvalhais. “Sentience and Information Encountering in the Digital Medium.” Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Digital Arts. Eds. Bidarra, José, et al. Óbidos: Artech-International, 2015. 257-260.
  70. Ricardo Melo, Miguel Carvalhais. “Meaningful Accidental Discoveries: The Design of Serendipity on the Web.” 3º Encontro Nacional de Doutoramentos em Design. Aveiro, 2014.
  71. Pedro Cardoso, Miguel Carvalhais. “Playing in 7D: Considerations for a study of a musical instrumentality in the gameplay of video games.” INTER-FACE — Second International Conference on Live Interfaces. Lisboa, 2014.
  72. Horácio Tomé-Marques, Bruce Pennycook, Miguel Carvalhais. “Brain: the ultimate enactive interface?INTER-FACE — Second International Conference on Live Interfaces. Lisboa, 2014.
  73. Raul Pinto, Miguel Carvalhais, Paul Atkinson, Miguel Vieira. “How do we relate to unconventional artifacts? Designing with biological generative systems aimed at customization.” DESIGNA2014 – Desejo / Desire, International Conference on Design Research. Covilhã: Universidade da Beira Interior 2014.
  74. Mécia Sá, Miguel Carvalhais, Francisco Providência. “PoliVis — Ferramenta de Investigação para Análise de Informação Política.” DESIGNA2014 – Desejo / Desire, International Conference on Design Research. Covilhã: Universidade da Beira Interior 2014.
  75. Juliana Monteiro, Carla Morais, Miguel Carvalhais. “O Livro Digital de Narrativa Multilinear na Esfera Educativa: Uma experiência de desenvolvimento e utilização com alunos do 1º ciclo do ensino básico. ticEDUCA 2014: III Congresso Internacional das TIC na Educação. Eds. Lobato Miranda, Guilhermina, Maria Elvira Monteiro and Pedro Torres Brás. Lisboa: Instituto da Educação da Universidade de Lisboa, 2014. 42-49.
  76. Pedro Cardoso, Miguel Carvalhais. “Transcoding Action: Embodying the game. ISEA 2014. Dubai, 2014. 324-329.
  77. Pedro Cardoso, Miguel Carvalhais. “Profiling: A traversal between the player and the game system.Videogames 2014. Barcelos, 2014.
  78. Miguel Carvalhais, Pedro Tudela, Lia. “M.M.M.M. – A Sound and Visual Installation.” xCoAx 2014: Proceedings of the second conference on Computation Communication Aesthetics and X. Eds. Miguel Carvalhais and Mario Verdicchio. Porto, 2014. 407-415.
  79. Pedro Cardoso, Miguel Carvalhais. “Un-De-Focused: Variations of Attention in Player Action in Video Games.” xCoAx 2014: Proceedings of the second conference on Computation Communication Aesthetics and X. Eds. Miguel Carvalhais and Mario Verdicchio. Porto, 2014. 169-184.
  80. Horácio Tomé-Marques, João Menezes, Bruce Pennycook, Miguel Carvalhais. “From the Unseen to the S[cr]een. EshoFuni, an Approach Towards Real-time Representation of Brain Data.” xCoAx 2014: Proceedings of the second conference on Computation Communication Aesthetics and X. Eds. Miguel Carvalhais and Mario Verdicchio. Porto, 2014. 333-342.
  81. Pedro Cardoso, Miguel Carvalhais. “In/action: An exploratory approach to dysfunctional responsiveness in interactive narratives and video games.Avanca | Cinema. Avanca, 2014. 1231-1236.
  82. Miguel Carvalhais. “Traversal Hermeneutics: The Emergence of Narrative in Ergodic Media.” xCoAx 2013: Proceedings of the first conference on Computation Communication Aesthetics and X. Bergamo, 2013. 51-60.
  83. Pedro Cardoso, Miguel Carvalhais. “Between Thinking and Actuation in Video Games.” xCoAx 2013: Proceedings of the first conference on Computation Communication Aesthetics and X. Eds. Verdicchio, Mario and Miguel Carvalhais. Bergamo, 2013. 163-171.
  84. Ricardo Melo, Miguel Carvalhais. “The Design of Horacle: Inducing Serendipity on the Web.” xCoAx 2013: Proceedings of the first conference on Computation Communication Aesthetics and X. Eds. Verdicchio, Mario and Miguel Carvalhais. Bergamo, 2013. 183-191.
  85. Luís Eustáquio, Miguel Carvalhais, Ricardo Lafuente. “Exploring Open Hardware in the Image Field.” xCoAx 2013: Proceedings of the first conference on Computation Communication Aesthetics and X. Eds. Verdicchio, Mario and Miguel Carvalhais. Bergamo, 2013. 241-248.
  86. Raul Pinto, Miguel Carvalhais, Paul Atkinson. “Generative Designing with Biological Systems — Searching for Production Tools Aimed at Individualization.” Crafting the Future, 10th European Academy of Design Conference. Gothenburg, 2013.
  87. Pedro Cardoso, Miguel Carvalhais. “Variations in the Mechanics of Retro Video Games (A Case Study).” 2º Encontro Nacional de Doutoramentos em Design. Porto, 2013.
  88. Raul Pinto, Miguel Carvalhais, Paul Atkinson. “Sistemas Generativos Biológicos: Ferramentas de Produção Para a Individualização.” 2º Encontro Nacional de Doutoramentos em Design. Porto, 2013.
  89. Pedro Cardoso, Miguel Carvalhais. “Traversing the Emerging Narrative in Interactive Narratives and Video Games.” Avanca | Cinema. Avanca, 2013.
  90. Pedro Cardoso, Miguel Carvalhais. “Transcoding Action: A Perspective on the Articulation Between the Player’s and System’s Actions in Video Games.” Videogames 2013. Coimbra, 2013.
  91. Pedro Cardoso, Miguel Carvalhais. “Versioning Classic Retro Video Games (a Case Study).” Designa 2013. Covilhã, 2013.
  92. Miguel Carvalhais. “Unfolding and Unwinding, a Perspective on Generative Narrative.” ISEA 2012 Albuquerque: Machine Wilderness. Ed. Polli, Andrea. Albuquerque, NM, 2012. 46-51.
  93. Miguel Carvalhais. “Artificial Aesthetics as Tulpas: Regarding Narratives as Thoughtforms.” Avanca | Cinema. Avanca, 2012. 903-907.
  94. Kateřina Marková, Miguel Carvalhais. “Digital Dying in Personal Information Management: An Introduction to Thanatosensitive Information Management.” Centre for Death & Society Conference 2012. Bath Royal Literary and Scientific Institute (BRLSI), Bath, 2012.
  95. Pedro Cardoso, Miguel Carvalhais. “In/action: An exploratory approach to responsiveness in interactive narratives and videogames.” Avanca | Cinema. Avanca, 2012.
  96. Pedro Cardoso, Miguel Carvalhais. “A perspective on action and chronology on interactive narratives and videogames.” Avanca | Cinema. Avanca, 2012.
  97. Pedro Cardoso, Miguel Carvalhais. “Para um Modelo da Dinâmica da Ação nos Videojogos.” 1º Encontro Nacional Doutoramentos em Design. Universidade de Aveiro, 2012.
  98. Jorge Ribeiro, Miguel Carvalhais. “Web Design Patterns for Mobile Devices.” PLoP 2012. Tucson, AZ, 2012.
  99. Ricardo Melo, Miguel Carvalhais. “Designing For Serendipity: Systems and Methods for Serendipitous Discoveries on the Web.” Artech, Crossing Digital Boundaries. Faro, 2012.
  100. Raul Pinto, Miguel Carvalhais, Paul Atkinson. “Sistemas generativos biológicos: ferramentas de produção para a personalização.” 1º Encontro Nacional Doutoramentos em Design. Aveiro, 2012.
  101. Pedro Cardoso, Miguel Carvalhais. “Explorations on Action Depth in Video Games.” Videogames 2012. Lisboa, 2012.
  102. Miguel Carvalhais. “A Perspective on Perspective and on the Genesis of Generative Narrative.” Generative Art. Roma, 2011. 332-342.
  103. Miguel Carvalhais. “Procedural Taxonomy: An Analytical Model for Artificial Aesthetics.” ISEA 2011, 17th International Symposium on Electronic Art. Istambul, 2011.
  104. Miguel Carvalhais. “The emergence of narrative: procedural creation of narrative in artificial aesthetic artifacts.” Avanca | Cinema. Avanca, 2011. 416-420.
  105. Miguel Carvalhais. “Towards a Model for Artificial Aesthetics: Contributions to the Study of Creative Practices in Procedural and Computational Systems.” PhD Thesis, Universidade do Porto, 2010.
  106. Miguel Carvalhais. “Towards a Model for Artificial Aesthetics.” Generative Art. Milan, 2010. 343-357.
  107. Miguel Carvalhais. “Learning and Studying Interaction Design Through Design Patterns.” PLoP 2008. Nashville, TN, 2008.

Conference Proceedings

  1. Miguel Carvalhais, Mario Verdicchio, Luísa Ribas, André Rangel, eds. xCoAx 2024: Proceedings of the Twelfth Conference on Computation, Communication, Aesthetics, and X. Treviso, 2024.
  2. Miguel Carvalhais, Mario Verdicchio, Luísa Ribas, André Rangel, eds. xCoAx 2023: Proceedings of the Eleventh Conference on Computation, Communication, Aesthetics, and X. Weimar, 2023.
  3. Miguel Carvalhais, Mario Verdicchio, Luísa Ribas, André Rangel, eds. xCoAx 2022: Proceedings of the Tenth Conference on Computation, Communication, Aesthetics, and X. Coimbra, 2022.
  4. Miguel Carvalhais, Mario Verdicchio, Luísa Ribas, André Rangel, eds. xCoAx 2021: Proceedings of the Ninth Conference on Computation, Communication, Aesthetics, and X. Porto, 2021.
  5. Mario Verdicchio, Miguel Carvalhais, Luísa Ribas, André Rangel, eds. xCoAx 2020: Proceedings of the Eighth Conference on Computation, Communication, Aesthetics, and X. Graz, 2020.
  6. Mario Verdicchio, Miguel Carvalhais, Luísa Ribas, André Rangel, eds. xCoAx 2019: Proceedings of the Seventh Conference on Computation, Communication, Aesthetics, and X. Milan, 2019.
  7. Miguel Carvalhais, Pedro Amado, Pedro Cardoso, eds. Videojogos 2018: Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Videogame Sciences and Arts. Porto: i2ADS, 2019.
  8. José Alberto Gomes, Miguel Carvalhais, Rui Penha, eds. ICLI 2018, 4th International Conference on Live Interfaces. Inspiration, Performance, Emancipation. Porto: Universidade do Porto, 2018.
  9. André Rangel, Luísa Ribas, Mario Verdicchio, Miguel Carvalhais, eds. xCoAx 2018: Proceedings of the Sixth Conference on Computation, Communication, Aesthetics, and X. Madrid, 2018.
  10. Raquel Castro, Miguel Carvalhais, eds. Proceedings of Invisible Places: Sound Urbanism and Sense of Place. Ponta Delgada, 2017.
  11. Luísa Ribas, André Rangel, Mario Verdicchio, Miguel Carvalhais, eds. xCoAx 2017: Proceedings of the fifth conference on Computation, Communication, Aesthetics, and X. Lisbon, 2017.
  12. Mario Verdicchio, Alison Clifford, André Rangel, Miguel Carvalhais, eds. xCoAx 2016: Proceedings of the fourth conference on Computation, Communication, Aesthetics, and X. Bergamo, 2016.
  13. Alison Clifford, Miguel Carvalhais, Mario Verdicchio, eds. xCoAx 2015: Proceedings of the third conference on Computation Communication Aesthetics and X. Glasgow, 2015.
  14. Adriana Sá, Miguel Carvalhais, Alex McLean, eds. ICLI 2014 — Inter-Face: Proceedings of the second International Conference on Live Interfaces. Lisboa, 2015.
  15. Raquel Castro, Miguel Carvalhais, eds. Proceedings of Invisible Places / Sounding Cities. Sound Urbanism and Sense of Place. Viseu, 2014.
  16. Miguel Carvalhais, Mario Verdicchio, eds. xCoAx 2014: Proceedings of the second conference on Computation Communication Aesthetics and X. Porto, 2014.
  17. Mario Verdicchio, Miguel Carvalhais, eds. xCoAx 2013: Proceedings of the first conference on Computation Communication Aesthetics and X. Bergamo, 2013.

Special Issues

  1. José Alberto Gomes, Miguel Carvalhais, Henrique Portovedo, eds. Journal of Science and Technology of the Arts, Volume 13, No. 1 – Special Issue: Audible (Art): The invisible connections between sound, music, and sound art. Porto: Citar, 2021.
  2. André Rangel, Luísa Ribas, Mario Verdicchio, Miguel Carvalhais, eds. Journal of Science and Technology of the Arts, Volume 12, No. 3 – Special Issue: xCoAx 2020. Porto: Citar, 2020.
  3. André Rangel, Miguel Carvalhais, Luísa Ribas, Mario Verdicchio, eds. CITAR Journal, Volume 11, No. 2 – Special Issue: xCoAx 2019. Porto: Citar, 2019.
  4. André Rangel, Luísa Ribas, Mario Verdicchio, Miguel Carvalhais, eds. CITAR Journal, Volume 10, No. 3 – Special Issue: xCoAx 2018. Porto: Citar, 2018.
  5. Luísa Ribas, André Rangel, Mario Verdicchio, Miguel Carvalhais, eds. CITAR Journal, Volume 9, No. 3 – Special Issue: xCoAx 2017. Porto: Citar, 2017.
  6. Alison Clifford, André Rangel, Mario Verdicchio, Miguel Carvalhais, eds. CITAR Journal, Volume 8, No. 1 – Special Issue: xCoAx 2016. Porto: CITAR, 2016.
  7. Miguel Carvalhais, André Rangel, Mario Verdicchio, eds. CITAR Journal, Volume 6, No. 1 – Special Issue: xCoAx 2014. Porto: CITAR, 2014.


  1. Sofia Ponte, “Net Art and the Missing Percent at Traditional Museums of Art in Portugal.Proceedings of EVA London 2024, London. 2024.
  2. Interview at the Audiotalaia Extra podcast, 2021.
  3. Interview at Vacinas do Pensamento, 2021.
  4. Małgorzata Dancewicz, ed. “Intermediale 1994-2019”, catalogue & 2CD, Intermediale, 2020.
  5. Rui Penha, Miguel Carvalhais. “If machines want to make art, will humans understand it?Aeon, 2019.
  6. Nas algoraves, os códigos dão música e depois faz-se a festa”, P3, 2019.
  7. Miguel Carvalhais. “Florian Cramer: Mapping the ‘Alt-Right’ (quotes)”. Textual and visual ‘sampling’ for Neural magazine, issue 57, summer 2017.
  8. “Miguel Carvalhais discusses the creativity to be found in error”. 2017.
  9. Miguel Carvalhais, interview”, dipART, 2015.